Harris Whitesell Consulting Forbes Lori Harris Rallying Cry

Maximizing Your Company’s Rallying Call To Unify And Motivate

A rallying call is like the Mingun Bell in Burma or a lightning rod that strikes and lights an organic fire. When rung, or the impact of the strike informs, it kickstarts momentum, fuels inspiration and motivation and strengthens cohesiveness for vision, values and actions to thrive in people, teams and organizations.

Rallying calls make the best use of the organization’s talent and stakeholders, its processes and systems. Most of all, rallying calls align and connect a company’s culture, products and services to its targeted audience, which in turn, guides, aligns and triggers consumers to become loyal customers with the brand.

It is important to understand that a rallying call is a theme and not a goal. In order for the energy to create momentum, a rallying call must have the full agreement and commitment of all team members. If not, you need to go back to the drawing board.

How do you make use of the power a rallying call has to unify and motivate teams, employees, stakeholders and consumers? Some say a rallying call is almost magical. It is that group of words, or a phrase, that magnetically aligns the right people, grabs the attention of the masses and makes people adopt and accept it as a must-have, and most importantly, moves people to take action, change habits and create new norms. It cements the opportunity for lasting and positive change, maximizing things that really matter.

Click to read about the 5 Questions to formulate a Rallying Call and the 5 Benefits of having one. 

Lori Harris is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, and Managing Partner of Harris Whitesell Consulting.

2 thoughts on “Maximizing Your Company’s Rallying Call To Unify And Motivate”

    1. Thank you Jessica. We appreciate your feedback and support. Blessings to you!

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