Resilience HWC


“Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out.” ~ Jack Buck, Baseball Commentator, St. Louis Cardinals

Resilience is key to an organization’s culture, climate, and employee engagement – resilience drives well-being, results, and success. Understanding the key components of resilience and how to build and enhance resilience is critical – for yourself as a leader, your team in building cohesiveness and achieving collective results, or throughout your organizational culture – for progress and to ensure constructive, affiliative, and positive work environment is critical for overcoming the challenges of change, and, in times of crisis.

Companies who are willing and committed to deepening their knowledge of resilience, integrate evidence-based methods and tools for evaluation and development, and set resilience as strategic metrics are known to experience positive change, growth, and co-created value through:

💫 Greater self-awareness
💫 Improved talent strengths optimization
💫 Higher levels of responsiveness
💫 Increased compassion and altruism
💫 Greater appreciation and workplace satisfaction
💫 Enhanced discretionary effort
💫 Strengthening of work relationships
💫 Increased emotional intelligence
💫 Increased communication intelligence
💫 Increased cultural intelligence
💫 Enhanced stress management and overall well-being

Harris Whitesell Consulting offers customized and accredited services, that support assessments and analysis, organizational philosophy and strategy integration, training and development, and coaching at all levels, for companies who are ready to integrate evidence-based resilience methods and tools.

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