Harris Whitesell Consulting Forbes Crisis Management Leadership

14 Ways To Build A Solid Crisis Management Strategy

In business, a crisis lurking right around the corner could hit without warning at any time. Because such events are, by definition, unexpected—often impossible to imagine, much less predict—leaders need to develop solid strategies for quickly responding to any crisis that might arise to ensure that their businesses can survive and continue to thrive.

Crises can come in so many different forms that creating a comprehensive plan to deal with every issue you might encounter isn’t a viable option. Fortunately, smart leaders understand how to build a flexible crisis management strategy that can be adapted to meet the needs of swiftly evolving situations.

Click through to read the 14 steps you can take to design and implement an effective crisis management strategy for your company.


Lori Harris is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, and Managing Partner of Harris Whitesell Consulting.

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