Harris Whitesell Consulting Forbes Agile Workforce

Agile Organizations: Seven Steps For Excellence

“Everything has changed, except our way of thinking.”-Albert Einstein

In a utopian state, organizations are able to accelerate, optimize and maximize each employee’s experience. They assess each employee’s individual aptitudes, preferences, personality, talents and competencies. They hire and assign each employee to a job that is perfectly suited to them. They have each employee make the best and highest use of their talents, wisdom, energy and time. And as consumers receive, access and purchase the company’s products and services, these organizations sustain a competitive advantage, brand equity, satisfaction, excellence and profitability.

Due to the nature of humans to seek their basic needs, safety and security, motivation, belonging and love, accomplishments and recognition—as well as external factors such as leadership, technology, capital investments, agreements, infrastructure, ingenuity, creativity, skills and talents—utopia is, and always will be, in a constant state of ambiguity and change. Thus, the rate of success for companies, leaders and employees to achieve is grossly impacted.

Click to read the Seven Steps For Excellence In An Agile Workforce.

Lori Harris is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, and Managing Partner of Harris Whitesell Consulting.

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